
Magnesium Oxide Powder: Knowledge Guide

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What is magnesium oxide powder?

Magnesium oxide powder, commonly known as magnesium oxide, is a white compound of magnesium and oxygen. The molecular formula of this inorganic compound is magnesium oxide. Magnesium oxide is primarily used in a variety of applications, from being a refractory material in the production of furnace bricks to being an insulator in electrical cables.

Different types of magnesium oxide powder

Magnesium oxide (MgO) powder is an important industrial mineral known for its versatility. It can be divided into several types based on its processing and purity level. Here’s a neat breakdown:

Dead Burned Magnesium Oxide (DBM)

It is made of magnesite as raw material and sintered at high temperature.It has high density and low reactivity.Mainly used in refractory applications, especially furnace lining furnaces.

Lightly burned magnesium oxide (alkali-burned magnesium oxide)

Calcined at a temperature lower than DBM.It is more reactive than DBM.Used in chemicals, agriculture (as fertilizer) and water treatment processes.

Fused magnesium oxide

Produced by melting magnesite raw material in an electric arc furnace.Known for its high purity and stable quality.Mainly used in electrical applications such as insulators.

Synthetic magnesium oxide

Derived from processes involving seawater or salt water.With high purity indicators.Due to its high purity, it is often used in pharmaceuticals and food additives.

Nanoscale magnesium oxide

This type of particle size is very small.Attention is drawn to cutting-edge applications in medicine, catalysis and advanced electronics.

Electrical grade magnesium oxide

Specially treated to enhance its electrical properties.Commonly used in the manufacture of heating elements and thermocouples.

Electrical grade magnesium oxide powder is used as an insulator in heating elements, and certain characteristics are particularly important when determining quality:

Purity: MgO should be of high purity, typically 99% or higher, with minimal impurities that could affect its electrical properties.

Particle size: Particle size distribution is critical as it affects packing density and therefore insulating properties. Consistent and appropriate particle size helps ensure uniform insulation properties.

Packing Density: This is important for the filling process in manufacturing heating elements. It affects how MgO accumulates around the heating coil and can affect heat transfer and insulation.

Chemical stability: MgO should not react with other materials under high temperatures or electrical stress.

Dielectric Strength: High quality electrical grade magnesium oxide should have a high dielectric strength to act as an effective insulator and resist electrical breakdown.

Moisture content: Moisture greatly affects the electrical properties of MgO and should therefore be as low as possible.

Thermal Conductivity: While MgO is used for its insulating properties, it should also have the ability to conduct heat away from the heating element to prevent overheating.

Volume Resistivity: This is a measure of MgO’s ability to resist electrical current. High resistivity is essential for good insulation.

Loss on ignition (LOI): This test involves heating a sample of MgO to high temperatures to determine the amount of volatile material released. Lower LOI values indicate higher quality.

Specific surface area: Determined by the BET method, surface area affects the reactivity of the material and, in some cases, its insulating properties.

Why magnesium oxide powder is crucial to electric heating tubes The reasons are as follows:

1.Electrical insulation:

MgO is an excellent electrical insulator. When used on electrically heated tubes, it ensures that the current is limited to the heating element, preventing any accidental discharge.

2.Thermal Conductivity:

Although magnesium oxide is an insulator, it is an excellent conductor of heat. This unique combination ensures that the heat generated by the heating element is efficiently transferred to the outer surface of the heating tube.

3.High temperature resistance:

Electric heating tubes usually work at high temperatures. The ability of magnesium oxide to withstand and remain stable under such conditions ensures the longevity and safety of the heating tube.

4.Compactness and Density:

When compressed, the magnesium oxide powder forms a dense pack around the heating element in the pipe. This prevents any air pockets from forming, which can lead to hot spots and premature failure of the heating element.

5.Enhanced water resistance:

Especially after being treated with chemicals such as silicone polymers, the water resistance of magnesium oxide powder is enhanced, making electric heating pipes safer to use in wet or humid environments.

6.Environment and health safety:

Magnesium oxide is non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Its use in electric heating tubes ensures that no harmful substances are released during the heating process.


Magnesium oxide provides excellent performance attributes at a relatively low cost, making it an economical choice for manufacturers of electric heating tubes.

3 Steps to Choosing the Right Magnesium Oxide Powder for Your Project

1-Learn about your specific needs:

Before getting into the selection process, have a clear idea of your magnesium oxide powder requirements. Are you looking for specific conductivity or water resistance? Knowing your exact requirements will simplify the selection process.

2-Assess purity and grade:

Magnesium oxide powder is available in various grades and purities. For electric heating tube processing, the purity and specific grade of magnesium oxide will directly affect the performance. Make sure the level you choose meets your application needs.

3-Check particle size and distribution:

The particle size of MgO powder affects its application behavior. Depending on the nature of your project, you may need a specific particle size distribution to get the best results. Always ask the supplier for detailed specifications

How to identify the quality of magnesium oxide

1. Check the appearance: Check the appearance of magnesium oxide carefully.Good magnesium oxide should be colorless or slightly white, with no impurities and color spots on the surface.

2. Density detection: Density is one of the important indicators to measure the quality of magnesium oxide. Use an electronic density meter to measure the density of magnesium oxide, place the sample in the density meter, and record the density value.

3. Magnifying glass inspection: Use a 5x magnifying glass to carefully check whether there are obvious defects on the surface of magnesium oxide, such as bubbles, cracks, water marks, etc. Good magnesium oxide should have a flawless surface.

4. Hardness test: Use a scratch hardness tester to lightly scratch the magnesium oxide sample and observe whether the scratch is easy to remove. Good magnesium oxide should have high hardness and scratches should be difficult to remove.

5. Chemical composition inspection: Use standard chemical analysis methods to determine the main chemical composition of magnesium oxide finished products, including magnesium oxide content, magnesium hydroxide content, etc. By testing these chemical components, you can understand the quality and purity of magnesium oxide.

6. Mass determination: Use an electronic balance to weigh the mass of the sample, dissolve the sample in dilute hydrochloric acid, filter the solution and extract the precipitate. Add enough sodium hydroxide solution to the precipitate to completely produce white magnesium hydroxide precipitate, filter out the precipitate and dry it. Weigh the mass of the precipitate and calculate the amount of magnesium material. Through this step, you can know the purity and quality of magnesium oxide.

To evaluate the quality of magnesium oxide (MgO) powder, several parameters and tests can be considered:

Purity: High-quality magnesium oxide should have high purity and few impurities. Purity can be tested using techniques such as X-ray fluorescence (XRF), inductively coupled plasma (ICP) analysis, or atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS).

Color and Physical Appearance: Pure magnesium oxide is usually a white powder. Any discoloration may indicate the presence of impurities or degradation.

Particle size and distribution: Particle size and its distribution affect the reactivity and other physical properties of magnesium oxide powder. Particle size analysis can be performed using methods such as laser diffraction or sieve analysis.

Specific surface area: The surface area of MgO can be measured using the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method. A larger specific surface area can indicate higher reactivity, which is critical for certain applications.

Chemical reactivity: Testing how magnesium oxide reacts with specific chemicals, such as acid or water, can provide insight into its quality. For example, the rate at which it neutralizes acids can be an important quality indicator in agricultural or environmental control applications.

Packing Density: How magnesium oxide powders pack together can be evaluated through measurement, which is important for transportation and applications in various industrial processes.

Moisture content: High-quality magnesium oxide should have a low moisture content to ensure stability and prevent clumping. This can be tested using a moisture analyzer.

Thermal Stability: For applications involving high temperatures, MgO should remain stable. Thermal analysis techniques such as thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) can be used to evaluate this property.

Solubility: For some applications, the solubility of magnesium oxide in certain solvents can be a critical figure of merit.

Batch Consistency: Consistency between different batches of MgO indicates good manufacturing practice.

Certification: A manufacturer’s Certificate of Analysis (CoA) provides assurance of certain quality attributes and should match in-house test results.

Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that magnesium oxide meets regulatory requirements for its intended use, such as food grade, pharmaceutical grade or industrial grade standards.


Your electric heating pipe project needs something more exciting that will make the most of its energy efficiency. Our magnesium oxide powder will fulfill this duty for you.

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